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For many women weight loss is the greatest motivator to exercise and for many men muscle tone is the primary motivator. Unfortunately, cosmetic effects may take a long time to become apparent, discouraging people from continuing even though their health is improving. Much more important should be the health benefits exercise has for everyone. Living a happier, healthier life and watching the body you have always wanted developing right before your eyes can be incredibly motivating and empowering.

Even small efforts can boost fitness levels and lay the groundwork for a healthy lifestyle. To get results, you must make the time to get started!

Setting Goals
Simply setting a goal, e.g. to lose 5lbs. by the middle of next month, can be motivating because it takes you from merely wishing and dreaming to heading toward a specific, reasonable target. The deadline will push you to get the most out of your exercise and nutrition program. When you reach your goal, and you will, set a new, specific goal to take you to the next level.

Take a photo
You've seen those 'before' and 'after' photos so why not take some of yourself. Take a picture of how you look now and put it some place where you'll see it everyday. Continue with your fitness program and hang up a new picture every 4 weeks. The changes you see and the positive comments from your supporters will keep you stirring to go.

Write down your Reasons
Along with your goals and time-frame, write down all the reasons you are following your fitness program. Post this on your fridge or beside your 'before' picture and read it every morning. Your new lifestyle must be constantly in your mind, especially during the first, habit forming, 3 weeks.

Think of all the benefits of exercise
Increased energy, increased mental focus, increased self-esteem, increased sense of control over your life, reduced chances of heart attack, osteoporosis, breast cancer, increased strength and stamina, reduction of stress… etc.

Keep a journal / log
Track your progress daily including the exercises, weights used, and sets and repetitions. This idea is related to the one above on results, because you will quickly see, all on one page the progress you are making and how fast it is happening. Nothing gives you motivation to exercise like results and you will see them in your journal even before your picture looks any different.

Find a Buddy!
Meeting and working out regularly with a friend, especially one who is at about the same stage as you, will improve your attitude immensely! This is one strategy that has helped many to stick to their program. Watch each other, help and encourage each other, rejoice and commiserate together and enjoy the company. You will begin to rely on each other for moral support and accountability.

Do something you like!
Only going to the gym isn't for everyone, so if you like bike riding or roller blading or tennis or soccer, go for it as part of your regular plan. Make it fun and it won't seem like a chore, but be sure to do something everyday.

Try cross training (regularly switching from one type of exercise to another). Studies suggest it is more beneficial than focusing only on one form of exercise.

Stick to a prepared schedule
Studies have shown that those who exercise 5 to 6 days a week, in the morning are much more likely to stick with the program and reap the benefits. Morning exercise awakens the metabolism and senses and kick starts your day.

The consumer health information on is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions. You should promptly seek professional medical care if you have any concern about your health, and you should always consult your physician before starting a fitness regimen.